Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Approaching Race Day...

Less than two weeks until race day! Woo hoo. I'm so excited about putting CrossFit Endurance to the test. I've stayed injury free, besides that neck strain I had the first week of training and I believe that was because of sleeping issues!
Two things that have seen me through, besides my coach of course, are the mobility wods and respecting rest and recovery. My longest run has been six miles and my longest set of interval runs were 800 meter runs. Less distance, more intensity, and getting stronger! That's what the focus of my training is all about.

Shoulder Press:
* I did the wrong weights for this. I should have increased the weights, but I accidently followed last month's cycle.
5 @ 45
5@ 50
5 * @ 57 + 4
Should have been 47, 54, and 61.

12 Minute AMRAP
5 Hang Power Snatch 45#
7 Wall Ball 14#
9 Burpees

Rounds: 6 + 2 snatches

I did the full hang snatch with a squat. I believe my form and depth was pretty decent. Hitting the red line on the wall balls each time was questionable. I have the hardest time reaching that freakin red area! I thought I maintained a nice steady pace throughout all the movements.

Soreness: 2
Fatigue: 2
Mood: 2

CFE WOD: (3 hours later)
8 x 200 meters, 1 minute rest

44, 43, 42, 42, 43, 42, 44, 44