Saturday, January 15, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

Innov 8s or Brooks? I have recently learned that I am most likely a "toe runner." So which pair of shoes will fix this problem? My innov 8s have the least amount of support and cushion that most running shoes have. They are a flat, flexible shoe which allows my foot to land naturally. That being said, I still need to work on my mechanics because I get pretty severe calf pain when running longer distances in those, BUT I don't get the huge blister on the fore front of my foot that the Brooks give me. Hmmmm..... I know what my CF endurance coach will say. ;-) Maybe I should just wear my sketcher shape ups for the half marathon. (hahahaha!)


Back Squats
1x3 70% 90
1x3 80% 100
1x3 90% 115 + 5

Once again, I love doing doing back squats. That being said, they did feel pretty heavy yesterday.

dead lift 85#
Handstand Push ups

Time: 4:12

I used the red band for the hand stand push ups and I did not have to break them up at all. I think I could have made a harder combination of bands. The dead lifts felt fairly easy too, but I did have to break up the first set. I spent a lot of time getting set up for the hand stands in this workout.

Mood: 2
Fatigue: 2
Soreness: 3

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