Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Riptide Masters

I LOVE SWIMMING! I love being in the water, I love the smell of chlorine, and it brings back warm memories of my childhood. I lived at the pool when I was younger. I woke up at 4:30 A.M. throughout high school, spent my Friday nights in the warm, indoor recreation centers all over Northern Virginia, and spent my summers being a pool rat as I never went home after morning practice. I cross my fingers and hope my girls will embrace this social, active, and healthy environment when they get older. In my opinion this sport attracts great, self disciplined kids!

After high school and college I stopped swimming, but that is not to say I didn't miss it. When I took my toddlers to the recreation centers for lessons I wanted to jump in to see if I still remembered how to get across the pool. Well, last year I decided to join the RipTide Masters team with Coach Florence and it has brought back all those awesome, priceless memories, and more. Getting back in the water felt great and Coach Florence is amazing! A great teacher/coach knows exactly how to address technique, break it down, and allow you to apply what you've learned with multiple drills and skill work. We do this in CrossFit everyday. Thanks to Coach Florence and RipTide Masters I get to feel like a fish again. I can still smell the chlorine on the back of my hands from today's practice! ;-) Love it.

200 warm up
I.M. Kick drills
125 x 4 IM
Paddle Drills

Fatigue: 3
Soreness: 2
Mood: 2

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I couldn't agree more with you about the pool. I was a pool rat as well and I even became a lifeguard because I thought they were Gods when I was a pre-teen! Nice job on the workout!
