Sunday, January 9, 2011

My quiet, snowy run..

I took this right after I finished my run! I love Burke Lake.

Friday, January 7

Back Squats! LOVE back squats. For whatever reason, I feel confident, safe and strong with this movement. Unfortunately, now that I coach mid day I have to do most of my wods by myself so I do not have someone watching form or pushing me through the conditioning. However, I believe my back squat form is good.

1x5 @ 65% - 80lb
1x5 @ 75%- 95lb
*1x5@ 85%- 107- + 8

15 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
5 push press 65#
10 wall ball 14#
15 double unders

7 rounds + wall balls + 3 double unders

The most challenging skill for me on this wod was the double unders. I was only cranking out 2-4 at a time, and I can usually stay within the 5-10 range when doing a wod. I felt great during both workouts. The push presses were very challenging, but I did not have to break them up. I did not reach the red line on the wall balls every time, and I broke those up around rep 7 or 8 each time.

Mood: 1
Fatigue: 1
Soreness: 2

Saturday, January 8

10 K Time Trial ;-)

6 miles: 51:41

Coach John, I love how you program my time trials and tempo runs in the most wonderful weather conditions. ;-) I left my house at 7:00 A.M. and arrived at Burke Lake right when the heavy snow started. The first two miles were miserable as I was adjusting to the visibility factor, my frozen fingers, and warming up. I just wanted to get it over with! However, around mile 3 after my bitter fingers and body warmed up I enjoyed the serene beauty of the lake! I wanted to stop to take pictures with my phone. It was such a fluffy, gorgeous snow fall. Of course, right when I finished my six miles the snow stopped! To be honest, I didn't feel that strong until mile 5, and the running conditions were a bit slick. At the end I felt like my pace was starting to improve, and I definitely had energy left in the tank for at least another mile or two.

Fatigue: 3 (another bad night of sleep)
Soreness: 2
Mood: 2

Today, Sunday


Fatigue: 2
Soreness: 1
Mood: 1


  1. Nice on all your WOD's and that run. Amazing. Weren't you worried about slipping and falling in those conditions?

  2. Actually, I almost sprained an ankle on the last mile! Luckily I saved myself. But, the snow was so light and fluffy I wasn't too concerned, until the end. Thank you!
