Thursday, December 23, 2010

Catching up...

I did not have time to post yesterday so I am going to record yesterday's WOD (12/23), and today's WOD under this post. This week I continue to feel great. I have been working through all the ugly, sore spots through mobility wods and my neck and shoulder area feels 100% better. My stress levels have been a bit higher this week, but that is to be expected fighting the traffic and trying to get last minute Christmas stuff done. My two little angels are off the wall and super excited about Santa so we are little more prone to tantrums in this house, and I have to admit I've had a couple myself! Gotta LOVE the holidays! ;-)

One question many of my mommy friends and endurance athletes have recently asked me is, how do you find time to get in two workouts a day?

"We're going to push for more work, done quicker, and getting on with the business of life in our off time." - CrossFit Journal, What About Recovery?

Well, I am NOT doing two workouts everyday. In fact, Coach John, and any knowledgable CrossFitter knows that working out everyday will result in over training, which ultimately decreases performance and power output. Overtraining can affect us not only physically, but emotionally. When we do not respect our injuries or energy levels, we do more harm than good, and there is a very long list of reasons why. With that being said, I do hit two wod's a day, but only two times a week. Both of these wod's are fairly short and intense and I actually spend more time warming up and doing skill work than I do on the wod. If you have been keeping up with the blog you have probably noticed that my longest run has been five miles and that lasted 42 minutes. I believe that is the longest workout I have hit since I began this training cycle. Everybody has to work around different schedules, but rest days are just as important if not more important than the workout days. Recovery, stress control, sleep, hydration, nutrition, and mobility will enhance athletic performance. I believe this is one of the reasons why Coach John has me record my scores for fatigue, stress, and soreness everyday.

Yesterday 12/23
A) Power Snatch 7 x 1
53 easy, 53, easy, 63 easy, 67 Failed - FRUSTRATED, 66 Failed- FRUSTRATED, 63 easy

B) 7 Snatches
500 M Row
14 Kettle bell swings- 35#

This was extremely frustrating for me, and obviously it is a weak lift. The snatch is a very technical movement so proper form is essential! I know I am capable of getting 67 pounds over my head but lack of confidence and form is currently preventing that.

Time: 13:04, 53# snatch

Fatigue: 1
Soreness: 2
Stress: 3

Today's WOD:

1 mile tempo run, 85% effort.
Based on my previous time trials 85% effort would put me at about an 8:30 mile.

My time: 7:46 (Oops!)

I believe that was about 90% effort and it felt like I could have kept going. I started day dreaming about beating my husband, Jeremy, in a CrossFit Workout called Filthy Fifty. We have set a date to challenge each other after the holidays. ;-) Oh, and I had just coached and watched several athletes kill "Heavy Fran," which is an extremely challenging workout, so running a mile at 85% effort made me feel like I lucked out today.

Soreness: 1
Fatigue: 1
Stress: 2

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