Thursday, December 30, 2010

CrossFit in Connecticut...

Yet another reason why I love CrossFit is that there is always a box to visit when you are traveling. In fact, visiting other CrossFit schools is a learning experience, builds relationships, and community. We joke about CrossFit being a "cult", but once you are hooked there is no turning back, and it is fun to share this passion with schools around the country and WORLD! We have also learned that CrossFit is a small world. A new box, Yankee CrossFit, opened in Farmington, CT about 6 months ago. It turns out the owner of that facility trained in Gracie Jiu Jitsu with Jeremy several years ago. Thank you, Yankee CrossFit for the phenomenal instruction from coach Brendon!

So I have a lot of catching up to do:


AMRAP in 20 minutes (As many rounds as Possible)
5 Hand stand push ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull Ups

* Coach Brendon taught us a new way to do "scaled" handstand push ups which requires you to use bands to get full range of motion as opposed to using abmats.

Rounds: 8

I felt great! I had to take about 3-4 days off of CrossFit endurance, but at the end of that workout I had more left in the tank. The only distraction and painful part was the ripped hands!

I did the pistols as RX'd, pull ups as RX'd, and the handstand pushups with a red band. The first three or four rounds I was able to string three pull ups together at a time, but by round 6 I was doing one at a time.

Soreness: 1
Mood: 2
Fatigue: 3 (that was due to traveling with little ones, not the workout)



A) Sumo Deadlifts 3x3

125, 125, 135

10 Rounds For Time:
15 deadlifts 95#
15 Push Ups

Time: 15:15

I did the deadlifts at 75#. (Sorry, Coach, for not listening. I will never do it again.) That being said, once again I had a lot left in the tank and cranked out the last two rounds without stopping on the deads and only stopping once on the push ups. I suspect that is the CFE training kicking in. Jeremy was laying in a pool of sweat and I was jumping around him at the end.

Soreness: 3
Fatigue: 2




The traffic on the way back from CT was horrible so after sitting in the car 9+ hours I had to do some mobility work. My back, butt, and legs were stiff. I put the damper setting on 4 anticipating that this row was going to be absolutely horrible. My goal of this workout was to learn pacing. Surprisingly, it was not too bad, but it was extremely boring.

Time: 23:38

Soreness: 4
Fatigue: 3
Mood: 3
(The NJ Turnpike contributes to these scores!)

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