Saturday, December 18, 2010

FeXY and Endurance

Today I had the honor of putting together a killer CrossFit workout for an endurance/triathlon team I joined about a year ago. Just like in CrossFit, this is a fabulous community where members can train, race, help each other set goals, and reach their maximum potential. I cannot begin to stress the importance of training and setting goals with a community. Not only have I made great friendships with a team like FeXY and CrossFit, but both of these communities encourage me to NEVER quit, keep setting goals, and improve. There is an element of "friendly" competition, resources, and we learn from each other! About 15 FeXY members did their first CrossFit workout today, and they killed it! I love sharing my passion for CrossFit with members within the endurance community and it was an absolute blast to have them at Capital today. That being said, I am going to avoid all the participants of today's CrossFit workout for the next 48 hours or at least until they can easily walk up and down the stairs again. ;-)

I have to give another shout out to Meaghan Cromwell! She is amazing! She completed her first 50K today. Meaghan's longest run was 9 miles, she sprained her ankle, and she trained with tendonitus in the knee. Meaghan is an amazing CrossFit coach and athlete! Congrats, girl. A true inspiration to Capital's athletes.

Today I did a 5 mile time trial. My goal was to hold an 8:20 pace and finish around 41:00 minutes. I listened to Coach John and tried to carefully pace myself the first mile or two. This was a little easier to do than anticipated because I had to run back and forth from sidewalk to street to avoid ice or snow covered sidewalks. Unfortunately, I did not finish at my 8:20 pace, but that being said I felt great between miles 2-4. In fact at times my garmin showed around an 8:00 pace. I finished the 5 mile time trial in 42:28 which puts me around an 8:29 pace. Reflecting on how I think I could have improved is taking time for a longer warm up especially when it is cold! I believe this is why I started to feel good around the 2nd or 3rd mile. I know I'm making excuses, but dodging snow and ice slightly impacted my time. I regrettably admit that the holiday nutrition plan is impacting my training as well. However, time trials like today remind me how important it is to get back on track!

Overall, I felt great except for the last mile. I gave it all I had in the 4th mile! I made sure there was nothing left in the tank!

5 mile Time Trial

Soreness: 2
Fatigue: 2
Mood: 2

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed that your were able to do 5 miles outdoors with all the snow. That is true dedication. Nice job pushing through!
