Monday, December 13, 2010

Coach John has been teaching me about the importance of training with a holistic approach. There is a progression athletes need to consider while training , "Position, Movement, Speed, and Load." When you carefully think about the value of this progression you realize that mobility work is one of our first priorities. Think about it. If our bodies do not have the mobility and full range of motion, the movement will not take place, whether we are running, swimming, hiking, or climbing. If the movement does not happen, the speed will not follow. Finally, if we can't move quickly we are not going to get stronger. This is why in CrossFit, our specialty is NOT specializing!

There is another VERY important piece to this puzzle that I have not mentioned yet and that is nutrition! At Capital we are very fortunate to have some of the best, most knowledgable coaches who have different areas of expertise. Kari Utz, is a CrossFit coach and nutritionist. I can't even begin to tell you how much of an impact she has made on our family and many of our Capital athletes. She not only helps athletes change potentially dangerous and unhealthy habits, but educates them and helps them understand the benefits of taking your nutrition seriously. I have listened to her advice for two years now and when I do take my nutrition seriously, my performance dramatically increases!

That being said, I am training in the midst of the holiday season and temptations are everywhere along with holiday parties. It is the season to enjoy a cup of cheer and bake cookies! However, I do try to eat clean, take fish oil, vitamin D, and avoid excess amounts of alcohol. Our youngest daughter went through a very frightening stage when she was little. She had major lung surgery around three months and then after about a year she stopped gaining weight and dropped into the negative percentiles. She had stomach and eating issues beyond belief. We went to specialist after specialist. With the help of Kari, we not only turned my daugther's diet around, discovered her allergies, but now she is in the 3rd percentile and growing! So when we consider the holistic approach nutrition is the foundation! Without proper nutrition our bodies can not recover, survive, and ensure a long, happy life! Thank you, Kari Utz, for everything you have done for our family!

10:00 A.M.
Todays WOD: (WOD stands for Workout Of The Day)
3 x 5 Back Squats
105, 110, 110 PR- These felt great. I think I can do 115, possibly 120 next time!

For Time:
1K Row
50 45# Thrusters
30 Pull- ups


Jackie was tough. After about 30 thrusters at 45# I felt like I was going to get sick, but powered through and that feeling went away when I got to my pull ups. My pull-ups are horrible. I can only string two at a time.

2:15 P.M.

Endurance WOD:
Dynamic Warm-up
4 x 100 m sprints
30 seconds on, 1 minute off, 30 seconds on of cadence work.

1 minute on, 1 minute off, 9 times. (No active rest, light walking or standing still)

Covered 1.56 miles (with a little walking)
Again, felt a little sick and challenged around round 4.
Held at 6:20 pace the first 3-4, and about a 6:50 pace on the last ones.

Soreness: 3
Fatigue: 3
Mood: 1


  1. Thanks Kathy -- you guys ARE family to me :-)

  2. Interesting info here. I am very guilty of focusing on just running and not taking a holistic approach. I see you're a fan of fish oil. I had a physical therapist who told me that if I took that every day then I would be sooo much healthier. I just don't remember to do it! :-) Nice job on the continued training.

  3. Thank you for your support and comments, Elizabeth. CrossFit endurance definitely takes a different approach.
